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About us

Success is no coincidence. No one knows this better than entrepreneurs who need to persist in the market and work hard for that each day. Therefore, successful companies constantly develop, define new targets and turn them into reality. Who strives to reach these aims, has to adapt to the market situation and ensure the appropriate qualification of his/her staff. A systematic development of staff is, therefore, essential. Austrian Institute of Excellence – AIEx is the brand name under which we provide training courses and qualification for organizations across all sectors both in Albania & Kosovo. We have long provided companies and individuals with training programs and personnel certifications in different fields.

Exclusive benefits of an elearning platform

Equipping you with technology and agility to make use of the system that will automate the boring work and will enhance L&D – Learning & Development within your company.

Our long-term digital solution for our clients is comprised of 4 packages, for all types of companies, despite their IT infrastructure:

Start small before going all out.

The recognition you deserve; The credibility you need.

Become a PRO with these valuable skills! Prepare for the most prestigious certifications distinguished by their global development and application, which makes them transferable across industries and geographic borders. AIEx offers affordable world-class face to face and virtual certification preparation courses facilitated by our international certified senior experts. Take your Career to the next Level!



Every business strategy demands results. Whether those results are positive or negative is in the hands of its people. Talent optimization is a discipline that provides business leaders with a framework and tools to design their culture, roles, and teams to maximize business results

  • Diagnose

      Businesses gain valuable insights by diagnosing their people data to uncover the root of its business challenges. Doing so informs how to design a people strategy, hire purposefully against it, and inspire effectively to produce an engaged workforce that drives business results

  • Design

      Businesses can’t just put a random assortment of people together on a team and hope for the best. To achieve the best outcome, an organization must leverage people data to deliberately design its approach to leadership, culture, and team dynamics.

  • Hire

      The ability to hire well sets the stage for future organizational success. Defining the roles an organization needs and matching the right person to the requirements boosts the opportunity for success

  • Inspire

      When leaders understand their employees, and employees understand each other, they are equipped to minimize conflict, reduce organizational toxicity, and communicate more effectively, letting distractions get out of the way of results

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